Moonshine 1918

Comedy Short

A feud between the Owens and the Gillettes ends when the last remaining Gillette is killed, but new trouble erupts for the mountain folk with the arrival of a U.S. revenue agent and his assistant. The revenuers search high and low...

Alle Titel
  • US: Moonshine Moonshine
  • DK: Fatty som Forbudsmand Fatty som Forbudsmand
  • FR: La mission de Fatty La mission de Fatty
  • IT: Chiaro di luna Chiaro di luna
  • RU: Самогон Самогон
  • ES: Fatty y las estrellas Fatty y las estrellas
  • US: Moonshine Moonshine
  • VE: Claro de luna Claro de luna
Release 12 May 1918
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