Superman: Brainiac Attacks 2006

Animation Action Sci-Fi

Embittered by Superman's heroic successes and soaring popularity, Lex Luthor forms a dangerous alliance with the powerful computer/villain Brainiac. Using advanced weaponry and a special strain of Kryptonite harvested from the far reaches of outer space, Luthor specifically redesigns Brainiac to defeat the Man of Steel.

Alle Titel
  • US: Superman: Brainiac Attacks Superman: Brainiac Attacks
  • BR: Superman: Brainiac Ataca Superman: Brainiac Ataca
  • BG: Супермен: Брейниак атакува Супермен: Брейниак атакува
  • FR: Superman contre Brainiac Superman contre Brainiac
  • GR: Superman enantion Brainiac Superman enantion Brainiac
  • RU: Супермен: Брэйниак атакует Супермен: Брэйниак атакует
  • RS: Supermen - Brejnijak napada Supermen - Brejnijak napada
  • TR: Superman: Zihinsel Saldiri Superman: Zihinsel Saldiri
Release 20 Jun 2006
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